Join and Renew

Become a Member

Why Join? It's simple. Being a part of the CoreNet Global Houston Chapter provides you with access to information you need and the opportunity to connect with other members that understand where you're coming from and what you're looking to learn. You're not just part of a group of like-minded individuals, you become a central part of a group that is driven to succeed.

By becoming an active member, you receive access to resources, material, information, and exclusive networking opportunities. CoreNet Global Houston offers a variety of educational training programs that our members consistently cite as the key factor for renewing their dues.

For more information, please contact CoreNet Houston's Membership Chair
Renee McNiel at via email

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Renew Your Membership
Memberships follow a January 1 – December 31 calendar year term. Current memberships expire December 31.

  • Members may select a primary affiliation and up to two additional chapters or communities to affiliate with for an additional fee.

  • A portion of your annual dues goes directly to your primary chapter or community affiliation's learning events.

  • Membership in CoreNet Global is individual and non-transferable to another person. No refund will be payable for any unused portion.

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